Haida House at Tllaal

Sea Wolf has the vision to train young community members and reconnect them to the land base, sacred sites, and places of cultural significance.
Tourism supports this goal, and the success of Sea Wolf includes the employment of Kwakawaka’wakw people and the means to guide in, patrol, protect, and connect to their own territory while getting paid to do it. Cultural tours tie Indigenous stories, songs, and traditions to geographic places and sustain culture by passing this knowledge on to new guides – the next generation – and visitors.
Wildlife is healing in Indigenous culture, and Sea Wolf’s tours pay tribute to the animals through viewing experiences and cultural sharing. Integrated with the culture and the land, Sea Wolf Adventures generates revenue, provides employment, and sustains food sources for local Indigenous families and communities.
Chief Willie and Sea Wolf Adventures maintain that strong Indigenous values can help community members gain an edge in the tourism industry and support the development of all Kwakawaka’wakw businesses.
Connected by the waters they have shared since time immemorial, Sea Wolf has a roster of guides from diverse communities in the Kwakawaka’wakw family. Most of the guides at Sea Wolf are from the Kingcome Inlet area, but Sea Wolf supports the cultural sustainability of all neighbouring Indigenous communities by encouraging guides to share from their own unique Indigenous experiences and cultural perspectives while on the land with guests.
Responsible tourism creates community prosperity through non-invasive, traditional, and educational use of the territory, its geography, and its wildlife. Chief Willie says that it is essential for visitors seeking nature and wildlife experiences to know that they can make ethical tourism choices and choose businesses that are local and Indigenous to build the capacity of Indigenous communities.
Sea Wolf Adventures is all about immersive, land-based education for guests on Indigenous issues, like title and rights. Chief Willie and Kwakawaka’wakw Leadership negotiated to transition commercial salmon farms out of territory in four years, to allow wild salmon to rebuild. The guided tours contribute to such sustainability measures by increasing community presence on traditional lands, which provides for the consistent monitoring and education that will support protection and preservation for future generations.