• UNESCO site with trees and very old totem poles

    Board Of Directors

How Indigenous Tourism BC is Governed

The Board of Directors at Indigenous Tourism BC (ITBC) provides strategic direction and leadership to the organization. The ITBC Board is composed of six regional, six at large, and one ex-officio position for a total of 13 positions.

Some of the professional duties of the Board of Directors are:

  • Develop and adopt policies and procedures governing all aspects of the Society including staff employment, management, and administration
  • Advise the Members of the Society on activities of the Society and make recommendations to the members for their consideration and action
  • Oversee the management of funds of the Society and raise funds for the Society

There are currently three standing committees: Finance, Governance and Marketing. Each board member serves a two-year term and is elected by voting Stakeholders as needed at the AGM.

To learn more about the roles and responsibilities of ITBC’s Board of Directors, read the bylaws here.


Meet our Board of Directors

Kathy Brown

Director For Cariboo Chilcotin Coast Region - SeeQuest Development

Brenda Baptiste

Director At-large, Nk’Mip Campground, Nk’Mip Desert Cultural Centre, Nk’Mip Cellars

Elijah Mack

Director At-Large - Kekuli Cafe Merritt & Kamloops

Savannah Nadeau

Director for the Kootenay Rockies Region, St. Eugene Resort Historic Mission Resort

Leslie Brown

Director for the Northern BC Region, Davidson’s Descendants

Jenna Bower

Director At-large, Nk’Mip Desert Cultural Centre

Paul Natrall

Director At-large, Mr. Bannock

Chyanne Trenholm

Director for the Vancouver Island Region, Homalco Wildlife and Cultural Tours

Sharon Bond

Director At-Large, Kekuli Cafe

Maria Clark

Director at-Large, Best Western at Tin Wis

Frank Antoine

Director At-large, Moccasin Trails

Frank Antoine Headshot

Lori Simcox

Director for the Vancouver, Coast and Mountains Region, Takaya Tours

Cliff face in BC


  • Leverage collaborative partnerships at the local, provincial and national level
  • Lead by being an engaging, innovative and results focused team.
  • A focused and insightful marketing strategy
  • Accelerate Authentic Experience Development
  • Establish a strong Indigenous Tourism Story to exhibit leadership within the Sector
  • Support the Growth of Indigenous Economies
  • Increase capacity and competitiveness of Indigenous businesses

Board Governance Disclosure

Indigenous Tourism BC adheres to the disclosure requirements included in the Best Practice Guidelines developed by the provincial government.